How to establish a healthy and sustainable Work-Life Balance: Insights from Workden's Coworking Community

wooden cubes of work and life letters balancing on a wooden plank and wooden ball
In today's fast-paced world, finding the perfect balance between work and personal life can be a challenging task. Many of us face long work hours, tight deadlines, and the constant pressure to perform. According to a survey research done by Mckinsey Health Institute, 25% professionals worldwide reported experiencing burnout symptoms from work. However, the emergence of coworking spaces providers like Workden has given professionals the opportunity to achieve their career goals without sacrificing their personal life. In this blog post, we will explore how members of Workden’s coworking community maintain a healthy work-life balance and navigate their professional journey.

Cultivating various interests

lady sitting on chair smiling with personal quotes about work life balance
Arielle is a multi-talented content creator and business coach who specializes in helping businesses expand their online presence and increase sales. To maintain a healthy work-life balance, Arielle believes in cultivating various interests. She is passionate about mental activities such as personal development, as well as health and wellness activities like yoga, meditation, spinning, and reformer pilates. By dedicating time to these hobbies, Arielle is able to disconnect from work and focus on her personal growth and well-being.
In addition to her personal interests, Arielle has also invested in building her own side hustle. She assists businesses in saving money on shipping costs, utilizing her skills and experience in the industry to help others succeed. By diversifying her interests and skills, Arielle is able to lead a fulfilling life while also pursuing her professional goals. Her commitment to personal development and entrepreneurship is a true testament to her ambition and drive.

Combining passions and skills

Kathleen is a passionate marketing manager who has a deep love for fashion. When she's not busy at work, Kathleen can be found strolling around the city with her new dog and husband, discovering hidden gems and embracing the beauty of her surroundings. Her passion for fashion and her professional expertise in social media marketing intersect in her free time, where she enjoys spreading positivity online. Kathleen loves to play around with clothes and styles, experimenting with different outfits and inspiring others with similar body types to do the same. By combining her passions and skills, Kathleen is not only living a fulfilling personal life, but also making a positive impact on others in the online world.

Commitment to self-care

Rebecca is a talented brand strategist and content creator who has a passion for reading. As a member of Workden, she spends her days at our coworking spaces, expanding her own agency and collaborating with other like-minded individuals. During her free time, Rebecca enjoys cozying up with a good book in a comfortable corner, or spending quality time with her friends and family. By dedicating time to her passions outside of work, Rebecca is able to maintain a healthy work-life balance and recharge her creativity. Her commitment to self-care ultimately enhances her productivity and success in both her personal and professional endeavors.

Practice of separation

As one of our Workden members, Marc takes great pride in his work while also cherishing time for his hobbies and interests. After completing his workday, Marc dedicates time to disassociate himself from work-related matters by engaging in activities such as running or playing the guitar. These hobbies provide him with an opportunity to relax, unwind, and switch off from the demands of work. Through this practice of separation, he is able to maintain his productivity and focus while also prioritizing his personal life, which ultimately enhances his overall well-being.

The importance of setting boundaries

As the president of her own social media agency, Alicia is always on the go. She has come to the realization that achieving a work-life balance is essential to living a fulfilling life. To achieve this balance, she has learned the importance of setting boundaries. Some of these boundaries include not checking her email after 6 PM, refraining from phone calls after a certain hour, and limiting her workload to a certain number of hours per day. These boundaries have enabled Alicia to prioritize her personal life and recharge, which ultimately enhances her productivity at work.

The importance of slowing down

As a young professional who juggles between running her own marketing agency, being a student, and satisfying her caramel iced coffee cravings, Isabella has learned the importance of slowing down. After the quarantine period, she realized that taking things slow enabled her to appreciate life more and become better in all her pursuits. As a result, she channeled this positive energy and outlook back into her many endeavors.

Final remarks

In order to prevent burnout, we need to have realistic expectations about our professional careers. We can love what we do and still acknowledge the effort it takes to make it successful, while also recognizing that work is a means of livelihood. Bottom-line is it takes dedication and effort to make work sustainable and this can only be achieved by maintaining a healthy work-life balance. 
It's important to remember that this is not about eliminating stress or challenges entirely. Rather, it's about finding ways to manage and balance them so that we can live fulfilling lives both inside and outside of work.

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